After my own efforts with chestnuts and blackberrys I'm pleased to report that one of my friends has taken the urban foraging in a new direction, with delicious results.
Last night I popped in on R&E of Stoke Newington and was delighted to try their Sloe Gin. Made with Sloes gathered on Hackney Marshes and gin gathered in from the off-license (liquor store) at the end of the road. Much better than the commercially available stuff. Interestingly E has booked herself on one of Ray Mears' six day courses. And after a bit of arm twisting WILL be writing a guest review of proceedings.
She also under taken a bit of guerrilla gardening, well more guerrilla small holding actually. She came to know where the local council were planting ornamental plants in areas where the public could see them but not walk all over them. These beds are weeded watered and fertilized by the council, she has already harvested her first crop of gooseberrys with more variety's on the way this summer!
Well Played E!!
Thanks for reading
This is a GREAT concept. There is a surprising amount of food to be had even in built over areas.
How about actually planting vegetables here and there in "secret" spots in an urban environment...
She's been at it for months apparently, and has a shortlist of sites where she'll be planting in the coming weeks. The Northern Monkey has a site where he harvested three carrier bags of cherries last summer. The pertinent fact is that his site is the car park of a supermarket where the same kind of cherries where £10 per Kg ($20 for 2.2 lbs!)
Thanks for reading
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