Saturday 8 March 2014

Weekend Reading: Learn To Hunt With GQ

"These guys are fine, but according to Uncle Cy, camouflage and orange, worn casually are the signs of the recreational hunter—and Californians"

Not a regular GQ reader myself, I saw this piece mentioned on the F&S Field Notes blog. The F&S commenters seem surprisingly supportive of the  content once they got past the sensationalist title.

Well worth a read, both as the writer is a good storyteller and, as the unfiltered impressions of the cityboy afield make for a refreshing take on hunting writing.

Learn to Kill in Seven Days or Less By Rosecrans Baldwin
Maybe you're a natural-born killer. I am not. I've long been city-dwelling, animal-positive. But all of a sudden, I felt the urge to reconnect with the great outdoors from my childhood, to commune with nature, to, ya know, maybe shoot guns at some animals. As fortune would have it, I'd had a long-standing offer, from a certain Montana uncle with a propensity for “hunting the shit out of things,” to host me for a weeklong crash course. I might learn to shoot, but could I kill? READ MORE HERE

have a good weekend
More soon


  1. Good piece. Of course, if Cy owns a Chesapeake Bay retriever, he is already cool right there.

  2. Chas
    When I read that Cy was a Chessie-bloke I kind of imagined him as an older, slightly grumpier, version of a certain reader of this blog. Then I took to wondering which of my nephews would be telling tales of his visit to uncle SBW.


Please feel free to leave comments. I really enjoy hearing what readers think. The rules are the same as round my dinner table:

You're welcome to disagree, life would be way too boring if we all agreed with each other and we'd never learn anything.
I like to think that we're all grown up enough to argue every last point, right down to the bone, without bearing a grudge afterwards.

Come on in the waters lovely