Friday, 16 March 2012

Bushcraft Weather Prediction Pt.1

Frogs Pr0n init!

In a suburban garden the rite of spring has sprung once again, and I'm reminded of Andy Richardson's observation that the frogs know just how much rain to expect and lay accordingly. When I was with Andy during the summer he did have an uncanny ability to tell what the weather was about to do, so I'm a big believer in his old wives tales. Science usually catches up with old wives tales, after denying them for a few years, so I suspect the Meteorological Office actually just has a frog pond out the back, and all the 'computers' are just cereal boxes and fairy lights.
These frogs seem to agree with Thames Water and the Met Office; we're looking at a drought. In wet summers gone by I've seen about ten times the amount they've laid this year.

Bodes for a dismal Trout season. I wonder where my sea fishing rigs are?

More soon


  1. I can see this spawning a regular weather blog...

  2. On any matter regarding things in the natural world, if there is disagreement between the following two--a scientist with enormous credentials that I don't personally know, and an honest woodsman with lots of experience that I do know, I'll go with what the woodsman says, every time!....L.B.

  3. Ho Ho Hippo

    Funnily enough I've just got off the phone with Andy and will probably be in Scotland again quite soon, learning more of his canny ways

  4. LB

    Very true - book learning is actually reciting, learning AKA the acquisition of knowledge is only ever a response to unexpected circumstance.


  5. Spring is here. Saw the same thing in Scotland last weekend.

    Roe Stalker

  6. Roe Stalker

    I was on the phone with Andy [in fife] yesterday and he said the same thing, quite disturbing really as usually the water shortages are confined to my neck of the woods.

  7. Your photo was far more salacious than mine, dang it!


Please feel free to leave comments. I really enjoy hearing what readers think. The rules are the same as round my dinner table:

You're welcome to disagree, life would be way too boring if we all agreed with each other and we'd never learn anything.
I like to think that we're all grown up enough to argue every last point, right down to the bone, without bearing a grudge afterwards.

Come on in the waters lovely