Saturday, 15 May 2010

Mini Cannon!

Gotta love-a Mini Cannon!
Found by Chad


  1. Good thing I didn't have one of those as a kid... they'd still be finding action figure parts embedded in the walls and carpets of my childhood home.
    Wait, who am I kidding? I'd STILL be messin' with that cannon today. In fact I'm more than a little jealous I don't currently have one.

    (The video doesn't seem to play on the blog... but that could just be a momentary thing. Just in case, here's a link to the video: )

  2. Gillian
    I've got to admit I did add it to my list of
    'reasons to buy a desktop milling machine'

  3. I want one, or several - badly. Made fast work of the targets.


Please feel free to leave comments. I really enjoy hearing what readers think. The rules are the same as round my dinner table:

You're welcome to disagree, life would be way too boring if we all agreed with each other and we'd never learn anything.
I like to think that we're all grown up enough to argue every last point, right down to the bone, without bearing a grudge afterwards.

Come on in the waters lovely