Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Esplorazione For Beginners Pt3

Here's the terrace outside the kitchen door which is the largest terrace on the farm. Not very big!
I found myself thinking of Pablo, as I tried my hand at a little wildlife photography. Not as easy as he makes it look.

More of the tale in the next few days.
Your Pal
The Bushwacker.


  1. Macro lens. Makes a huge difference on those flower/insect shots!

  2. This is great man, keep it coming...


Please feel free to leave comments. I really enjoy hearing what readers think. The rules are the same as round my dinner table:

You're welcome to disagree, life would be way too boring if we all agreed with each other and we'd never learn anything.
I like to think that we're all grown up enough to argue every last point, right down to the bone, without bearing a grudge afterwards.

Come on in the waters lovely